Citylight Light Teams are a way for you to use your skills, gifts and passions to serve others and be the light of the world. Check out the various ways you can serve in either the church or our local community.


Citylight Kids provides childcare for our families’ children from infant – 6th grade and creates an environment that aims to raise the next generation of disciple makers. Please contact Valery if you would like to serve in this ministry.


The hospitality team contributes to the life of our church by serving in greeting, parking, welcome table, and the coffee bar. If you would like to serve in any of these areas, please contact Ikenna.


Our tech team handles our sounds, slides (through the use of ProPresenter), lights, cameras, and additional activities that contributes towards the makeup of our services. If you would like to serve and be trained in this ministry, contact Brian.


Our media team is our creative element that runs our social media platforms, administers our website, and produces content from services, and events. Contact Mikayla for more info. 


Our music team helps foster our worship culture as they lead our church into singing shouts of joy to our Lord. Contact Didier for more info.


Middle schoolers meet on Sundays during the 11am service in the youth room upstairs! If your child is middle school/high school aged, or you want to volunteer with the youth group, & for more information contact Brendan.


Citylight Cares is a Light Team that walks alongside church members through spiritual, emotional, and relational challenges. Care partners meet with Care receivers to pray, actively listen, and provide biblical encouragement as they “bear one another’s burdens” and “mourn with those who mourn.”


Our Outreach team strives to support and reach our community with programs, events, mission trips, and connecting with local partners that address spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental needs, offering real hope + help in every aspect of life.  Contact Jess to get involved.