If you would like to volunteer or find out how you can serve please contact us.
What’s happening at Citylight?
5-25 - 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting
19 - Basic Training 11am in the Coworking Space
20-23 - Prayer and Worship 630pm Each Night
25 - Immerse (9am-9pm) Dinner at 6pm
27 - Food deliveries
2 - Christianity 101 (10 week study) 9am in the youth room (Register here)
21 - Parent’s Night Out
23 - Basic Training 11am in the Coworking Space
24 - Food deliveries
28 - March 2 - Young Adult Retreat (sign-up here)
8 - Pop Up Shop (Sign up to serve here)
13-17 - Mission Trip (Location to be announced)
17 - Food deliveries
23 - Basic Training 11am in the Coworking Space
19- Easter Event (Sign up to serve here)
21 - Food deliveries
27 - Basic Training 11am in the Coworking Space
19 - Food deliveries
16-20 - Sports Camp 5-8:15pm (Registration coming soon)
23 - Food deliveries
4-8 - VBS 9am-12pm (Registration coming soon)
Newsletter – Sign up to receive weekly newsletters to stay plugged in!
Worship Service - Sundays 9:00am and 11:00am Sanctuary
Christianity 101 - Sundays 9:00am Youth Room (10 Week Study Feb 2 - April 6) Register
Ciudad Luz - Sundays 5:00-6:00pm and Wednesdays 7:00-8:30pm Sanctuary
Young Adults - Tuesdays 7:00-9:00pm Sanctuary
Restore - Thursdays 6:30-7:30pm Sanctuary
Youth Group - Sundays 11am-1230pm (Middle School/High school) and 5-7pm Youth Room
Playdate - (Parents with kids) Fridays 10:00-11:30am Basement classroom
Citylight Lao/Thai - Sunday 10:30am Fellowship Hall
Lighthouses - Throughout the week, different locations