Citylight Churches
A global church that is a part of the Citylight family of churches. Each Citylight Church also facilitates a Citylight Center
Ciudad Luz Queretaro
Key Ministry Leaders: Ariola Vargas, Mauricio + Cynthia Munguia
Ciudad Luz Queretaro, started as a coffee shop outreach and now gathers 20-30 weekly church members and reaches out to the community through evangelistic bible studies and feeding families at the local hospital every month.
“Because of Citylight’s partnership, we have shared the Gospel with more than 400 people in the last couple of months and are discipling some of these people one-on-one.
We've been praying for the Rivera family. They have had many struggles but are now attending church weekly - which is transforming their kids! They are also now servant leaders at the church.
A college student named Tona came as a non-believer to the coffee shop. We've seen her transformation through the past months. Now she is actively participating in our outreach activities, proclaiming the Gospel and praying with people.
We pray that our church plant keeps growing and that all attendees grow in their relationship with God. We also want to move to a bigger location because we have outgrown our current gathering space. We need a larger place and more hands to work at our ministry who share our same vision and mission.”
Gospel Proclamation: 400
Weekly Volunteers Mobilized: 13
FT Staff Activated: 2
Decisions to follow Jesus: 18
Agnus dei Cafe
On the Ground Leader: Ariola Vargas
Ariola Vargas is a young entrepreneur, zealous for the gospel to transform the lives of her native Queretaro Mexico. After living in the USA as a student and learning about the strategy of Business As Mission, Ariola combined her passion for coffee and the
gospel, to build a gospel-driven enterprise that serves an area of Mexico where there are few faithful evangelical witnesses. IGI and Citylight Church help to support Ariola through prayer, encouragement, key funding, and entrepreneurial advice. We are praying for new initiatives in Queretaro and the surrounding area to present the gospel faithfully and mobilize Christians to serve regularly in nearby underserved communities.
Citylight Church in India
Key Ministry Leaders: Ravi Sharma
The Citylight Church in India under the leadership of Ravi Sharma oversees 9 house churches throughout the Delhi area and runs a Citylight Center from the main location, which provides livelihood and educational support to vulnerable kids in the community.
“Through the Citylight Center, we have preached the Gospel to 400 people, of which 100 have accepted Jesus as their Savior, and 12 have been baptized. In the service of Citylight Center, we are giving food to 70 to 100 street children every day. In the Citylight Center, 40 children are learning how to use computers, 30 women are learning to sew, and this number is gradually increasing.
With Citylight’s support, we have reached about 400 people in Delhi and Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, and Maharashtra. New churches will start soon in new places. Because of the Citylight Center, we now have the opportunity to reach and visit more people's homes.
When surveying some slums, many people told us that many organizations come here, but no one does anything. When we started our work there, many people began changing their minds about Christians and are now listening to the Word of God very carefully.
When we were doing a survey for Citylight Centre, we came across a family who was very troubled and living in a spiritually dark place. The father had huge debts and was thinking of committing suicide. When our team met them, they heard the Gospel. God freed them from the overwhelming sense of spiritual darkness they were facing. The family got baptized in the last few days, and their life is improving. Now this family comes to Citylight Church every Sunday.
Gospel Proclamation: 400+
Weekly Volunteers Mobilized: 2
FT Staff Activated: 10
Decisions to follow Jesus: 100
Citylight Centers
A church anchored community center that blesses a community spiritually and physically.
Tijuana Citylight Center
Ministry Leaders: Rossy Montoya, Maria Vazquez, Elizabeth Rodrigues,
The Citylight Center in Tijuana is a beacon of hope to women working in the red light district. Our efforts to reach these vulnerable women have been more fruitful in the last year than ever before. We have seen 6 women caught in this lifestyle be rescued along with their children. One is now on staff serving other women and another is living with us at the House of Grace. We pray that we will see more women reduced and be able to see their children’s lives transformed.
Gospel Proclamation: 435
Weekly Volunteers Mobilized: 5
FT Staff Activated: 8
Decisions to follow Jesus: 25
Madeline is 9 years old. Her mother went through the “Academia de Mujeres” at the Tijuana Citylight Center. AFter seeing her mom’s life changed, Madeline gave her life to the Lord and got baptized.
Ciudad Luz Queretaro Center
Citylight Center Dehli India
Global Partners
Outside organizations that we partner with to help serve communities all around the world.
ICM Uganda + Back to the Bible Truth Ministries Uganda
MinLeaders: Jonah Mugabi, Alex Mitala
“Because of Citylight + IGI’s partnership ICM Uganda has impacted 17,800 family members through the Transform program in the last year”
Gospel Proclamation: 4715
Weekly Volunteers Mobilized: 546
FT Staff Activated: 33
Decisions to follow Jesus: 97
ICM Guatemala
Key Leaders: Omar Marroquin, Katrina Dajes
“Because of Citylight + IGI's partnership, we have built our first Thrive network of pastors with over 90 Pastors, which began last October 2022. We have graduated 737 participants in the last year. We have cured seven malnourished children, served 50 pregnant women providing food and prenatal vitamins and helped 34 moms who gave birth to healthy babies. We dewormed 1216 children and adults, and created 30 community gardens and savings groups.”
Gospel Proclamation: 737+
Weekly Volunteers Mobilized: 210
FT Staff Activated: 12
ICM Guatemala continuously reaches those living in extreme poverty by partnering with the local church to bring gospel hope to the most vulnerable in each community.
One young child ICM Guatemala was able to help this year is named Delito.
Delito is one year and eight months old. He and his family (his parents, Suani and Cesar, and his 3-year-old sister, Yorli) live in a tiny tin house with dirt floors. They have no electricity, toilet, or water source, so Suani and Cesar would collect the water in cans from the rain storms to meet their family's daily needs. Not surprisingly, Delito had become extremely malnourished and had difficulty moving, developing a hunch and swollen abdomen. Delito's mother, knowing that Delito seemed small for his age, did not fully realize how serious her son's condition was until she visited the health center and learned of his urgent health condition. The doctors prescribed medicines and told Delito's parents that he needed to eat more to regain his health - but they did not have money for the treatment or additional food for their son.
As they were giving up hope of helping their young son, ICM came to their community, and the local pastor invited Suani to join the Transform program. As a part of Transform, each participant's family received assistance in the form of medical screening at home. The ICM staff saw Delito's condition and quickly started Delito on its home-based feeding program. For the next 12 weeks, the young boy was provided with Mannapacks, specially formulated rice soy meals to help malnourished children regain their health and nutrition.
By the end of the 12-week home-based feeding, Delito had almost doubled his weight! He can now play like other babies and looks and feels healthier and happier.
Future Sites
Places where we hope to start a new Citylight Church/Center in the next few years